Our Magazine

Sauce logo design
by Aditi Verghese
The LitSoc is proud to present Sauce, its online magazine. Sauce is essentially the means by which YOU, the weary, over-burdened, creatively-suppressed law student, reclaim your precious imagination, thoughts and expression and share with the world what you have to say. The LitSoc has long felt the need for a space in which the students of NLIU can express ideas and opinions outside the boundaries of legal subjects, and Sauce is our solution!

So make the most of this singular outlet and contribute to it regularly. We only urge you: be yourself. Search deep to find the truest part of you and then form the words, shapes and colours to express that truth to the world.

In the words of Don Delilo, “Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write, not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.”

We look forward to receiving your entries – your stories, articles, poems, artwork and photographs – and also hearing your comments and suggestions on how to make Sauce better serve its lofty mandate.

Check out our latest issue of Sauce here, and the guidelines for submissions here.

Now also keep up with Sauce on Twitter  and  on Facebook